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Tagalog Translation

Grow your audience by connecting with them in their native Tagalog tongue. Andovar's Tagalog localization services can help you to better connect with prospective customers using a variety of media formats.

Using the official Tagalog language (sometimes referred to as Filipino) can help you to better connect with those who are native Tagalog speakers, especially when you demonstrate cultural sensitivity and respect for each of your translations.
Companies, both large and small, turn to Andovar for their professional Tagalog translation services, both online and off. We offer the following services to help our clients maximize their reach and visibility, locally and online internationally:
  • Online translations of websites, blogs, social media accounts, and even marketing materials or promotional campaigns.
  • Printed translations of booklets, business training manuals, contractual agreements, reports, financial summaries, studies, technical guides, and more.
  • Software and app navigation menus, user interfaces, guides, dialogue, and technical manuals.
  • Multimedia translations include news programs, television, full-length feature films, streaming videos, radio programs, audiobooks, and more.
  • eLearning translations include textbooks, digital presentations, customized slides, and digital guides.
From translating subtitles and streaming videos to entire business manuals and user interfaces, turn to Andovar for your professional Tagalog translation services.
At Andovar, we work with trained and qualified Tagalog speakers and translators who are not only familiar with the Tagalog language itself, but also various dialects and varieties that may be useful for your targeting purposes.

Whether you are interested in translating business documents and contracts or if you would like to expand your business presence to appeal to native Tagalog speakers, Andovar's translators are here to help you get started on any budget.

Get a quote for Tagalog translation services

English to Tagalog Translation Company

Andovar has offices situated throughout the USA, Asia, and Europe, employing more than 5,000 translators from all corners of the world.

In total, our translators at Andovar have translated more than 1 billion words, which is why we look forward to becoming your English to Tagalog translation company.

All of our translators work with Computer-Assisted Translation tools, or CAT tools along with TMS, or translation management system solutions. We ensure all of our translations are not only technically accurate but also culturally sensitive and respectful. Our translators work with our QA, or Quality Assurance testing solutions to ensure accuracy and artistic integrity with each translation we complete.

All of our translators work with computer-assisted translation tools, or CAT toolss along with TMS, or translation management system solutions. We ensure all of our translations are not only technically accurate but also culturally sensitive and respectful.

Our translators work with our QA, or Quality Assurance testing solutions to ensure accuracy and artistic integrity with each translation we complete.

At Andovar, we guarantee top-notch translations that help you to better connect with your Tagalog audience, even if your business is new to the region. We know how important it is to use effective translations to resonate and connect with your prospective audience, which is why we only work with today's most qualified translators.

Contact Andovar to get a quote for the Tagalog translation services you need today.

Tagalog Translation Services

Let Andovar help you with your next English to Tagalog translation project, regardless of your budget and timeline.
  • Are you on a strict schedule that includes a tight deadline? Don't fret. Andovar will work with you to ensure your translations are completed within your provided timeline.
  • Are you struggling to set a budget for your translation needs? We can help. Andovar will work with you to find the most affordable solution for your Tagalog translation services.
  • At Andovar, we only work with native Tagalog translators who are familiar with Tagalog rules, dialects, and specific varieties based on the audience you intend to reach.

Tagalog Varieties and Dialects

To this day, there have not been extensive language studies or documentation completed to determine all of the varieties and dialects of the Tagalog language. However, there are local write-ups and descriptions that help to better understand dialectical differences in the language based on region.

  • Official Tagalog speakers who are from the southern region of the Philippines are more likely to preserve the glottal stop, which is typically found before a vowel but after a consonant. This is commonly referred to as Standard Tagalog.

  • Teresian-Morong Tagalog: In this dialect, the letter "r" is usually preferred over the letter "d" when reading and writing.

  • Marinduque: Marinduque is considered the most divergent Tagalog dialect.

Other dialects and Tagalog varieties include Bataan, Batangas, Bulacan, Lubang, Manila, and Tayabas.


Professional Tagalog Translators

Working together with professional Tagalog translators is highly advisable, especially when you are translating materials for your business and brand. While you may be tempted to turn to boxed translation software or even free services such as Google Translate, these solutions are rarely accurate or effective. The use of free translation services or boxed software can significantly interfere with the message and tone you wish to convey to your prospective audience.


If you are looking for accuracy, efficiency, and authenticity, Andovar's translators can help with the Tagalog translation services you need. Whether your translation project is big or small, we will work with you to ensure your translations are not only completed on time, but that they are done with accuracy and with artistic integrity intact. All of Andovar's professional translators undergo rigorous training and certification, especially when working with complicated tonal languages such as Tagalog.

In addition to extensive training and qualifications, our translators are also well-adapted to using localization industry-leading localization technologies to ensure top-notch quality with each and every translation we complete.

A few companies that Andovar has assisted with their professional Tagalog translation services include Oracle, Chevron, Symantec, Uber, Spotify, Netsuite, and Nestle. In addition to translating business documents, paperwork, and contractual agreements, our translators are well-versed in multimedia translations, eLearning materials, and even in translating entire movies and websites.


Tagalog Software Translation Services


Launching a piece of software is a way to quickly build and expand an organization or corporation. Whether you are building a mobile app, a cloud-based piece of software, or even server-based software, enrolling professional translators is imperative for any Tagalog translation services you require.

Our professional translators at Andovar are not only familiar with traditional Tagalog, but understand the importance of properly conveying messages based on original tone, style, and formatting. Whether you require your navigation menus to be translated or if you would like to translate everything included with your software, you can trust and rely on Andovar's professional translators.

Just a few of the corporations that have turned to Andovar for their software translation needs include Microsoft, Spotify, and Oracle. We know what it takes to translate any type of content properly and without losing artistic integrity and tone, which is why you should turn to Andovar's translators for all of the Tagalog translation services you need.

Whether you are launching a free application, a cloud-based solution for your customers, or even premium software, the right Tagalog translation services can mean the difference between reaching your intended audience and missing the mark. From translating the navigation menus and guides of your software program to helping translate the overall tone, Andovar's translators are standing by and are ready to help.


Tagalog Game Translation Services

The gaming market throughout the Philippines is exploding and growing at an exponentially fast pace. On average, Filipino internet users spend 91 minutes each day using gaming consoles or playing games. The projected value of the Filipino gaming market is projected to rise to more than $1.52 billion by 2025.

If you are building a mobile game, a cloud-based game, or even a traditional console or computer game, professional translation services can help you to truly maximize your reach, both online and off. Andovar's professional Tagalog translation services ensure that your game translations are not only accurate, but that they preserve the original emotional intention, message, and tone throughout. Some of the Tagalog translation services we offer for games from Andovar include:


Interface and UI

Our translators at Andovar help translate user interfaces of games, including buttons, menus, navigation items, popups, and more. Translating text buttons, cheat code sections, and even end credits can all be done with help from Andovar's professional translators.



Dialogue in a game can make or break the game's overall success. Improperly translated dialogue can make any game appear clumsy and incomplete. Andovar's Tagalog translators work to ensure accuracy, quality, tone, pitch, and overall message with each translation they complete.



Andovar translators will work with you to create SEO-friendly descriptions for your game to place within iOS and Android app stores in addition to other online game libraries.



Marketing matters, especially when entering a highly competitive industry such as mobile or online gaming. Turn to Andovar to ensure your digital marketing advertisements are translated properly without losing the message and emotion you are going for with each campaign.



Allow Andovar to assist with crafting genuine and authentic testimonials in Tagalog that help appeal to a much wider audience without appearing fake, clunky, or auto-generated.

Into English

Tagalog to English Translation Services

In addition to translating English to Tagalog, you may find yourself seeking Tagalog to English translation services once you have established your business and brand to native Tagalog speakers. Establishing your business by using Tagalog to English translation services helps you to build an image for your company that is professional and trustworthy.

Whether you are planning to expand your business into the Philippines or if you simply want to appeal to a much wider audience throughout the Philippines as well as English-speaking countries, consider professional Tagalog to English translation services.

All of our translators at Andovar are well-versed in native Tagalog as well as various dialects and tones that are based on region. If you are seeking localization services, let us help you pinpoint specific audiences based on the type of dialect you prefer. From translating booklets and pamphlets to entire websites, blogs, and even full-length movies, Andovar's translators are here to help with any translation services, even Tagalog to English solutions.

In addition to using our QA, or Quality Assurance testing solutions with each translation our translators take on, we also use OCR, or Optical Character Recognition software. Our OCR solutions scan and detect translations on printed materials and with multimedia formats. We also offer OTT, or over-the-top content for those interested in Tagalog to English content for their blogs, official website, or even for social media pages and/or updates.


Tagalog Subtitle Translation Services

Today, subtitles are more commonplace than ever with the international expansion of the internet, social media, and streaming services. Whether you are launching an entire YouTube channel for your business or if you have a show or documentary you want to share with the world, turn to Andovar for the Tagalog translation services you require for your subtitle project.

While it is possible to use automated subtitle generators on platforms such as YouTube, these are not always accurate nor are they guaranteed to translate properly. As a business or corporation, preserving your professional reputation is a must, especially in highly competitive markets. In order to appear genuine, authentic, and trustworthy, ensure that your subtitle translations are not only accurate but also culturally respectful and relevant to your intended audience.

Our professional Tagalog translators know how important it is to preserve the artistic style, tone, and integrity with each subtle translation they complete. We know how important it is to choose between formal Tagalog and colloquial Tagalog, based on the type of content you are translating and the message you intend to convey.

We will work with you to translate just about any subtitle format. We currently support the following subtitle formats: SCC, TTML, VTT, and STRT. However, if you do not see your preferred subtitle format, contact Andovar and we will find a solution that works for you.


Tagalog Document Translation Services

Translating documents is necessary for any business interested in reaching foreign markets or appealing to a wider audience. If you are in need of Tagalog translation services that involve your business documents, turn to the professional translators at Andovar.

All of Andovar's translators are not only native Tagalog speakers, but they are also well-versed at translating a variety of document formats and types. Whether you are interested in translating all of your company's training manuals or if you are looking to translate contractual agreements, stationery, and even news updates for employees, we can help.

Companies such as Agoda, Amway, Qnet, Hatch, and Spotify have all turned to Andovar for their Tagalog document translation services and needs.

Adapting to an entirely new market or expanding internationally does not need to feel overwhelming or next to impossible, especially with professional translators by your side. All of Andovar's translators are not only rigorously tested and trained, but they also use our built-in QA, or Quality Assurance testing system to verify the accuracy of their work.


Tagalog elearning Translation Services

The use of eLearning materials is no longer limited to traditional manuals and guided tutorials. Today, eLearning solutions are used for online college courses, webinars, and even corporate videos. Using eLearning Tagalog translation services provided by Andovar is a great way to expand your audience and base of prospective customers.

Customers such as Netsuite, Symantec, and Microsoft have all turned to Andovar to assist with their eLearning translation services. Our trained Tagalog translators are not only well-versed in a variety of eLearning formats, but they are also cognizant of dialects and varieties of Tagalog that are most appropriate for each translation they complete.

All of our professionally trained Tagalog translators are well-versed in various dialects of Tagalog and understand the importance of conveying a message while preserving artistic integrity, style, and tone. Whether you are interested in cloud-based, server-based, or mobile-based eLearning solutions, turn to Andovar for the Tagalog translation services you need.

We can help translate your eLearning materials whether you have an entire course that needs to be translated or a simple webinar video. From custom libraries of information and guided tutorials, Andovar's Tagalog translation services can help you achieve any eLearning goals you have in mind for your business.


Frequently asked Questions

The turnaround time is typically estimated based on the volume of work and content complexity.
Our non-rush turnarounds for Tagalog languages are approximately as follows:

  • Up to 500 words - under 24 hours
  • 1,000 to 2,000 words - under 36 hours
  • Over 2,000 words - at least 1,500 words per day
If you are in a rush and in urgent need of translation & localization services, just contact us, and our Account Manager will find the right solution for you.

    Yes. We work exclusively with over 500 native highly-qualified Tagalog translators, editors and terminologists to ensure professional, content-suited results. Moreover, we provide a free comprehensive revision if you happen to be unsatisfied.

      For your ultimate comfort and convenience, an assigned project manager will be there to assist you with your project.
      He/she prepares, supervises, and manages all the processes related to your project including communication with the involved linguists.

        Yes, you have the full say in which talent(s) will partake in your Tagalog language request. For every language we have a selection of voice talents to choose from. We make sure your vision comes to life!

          Case Studies

          Success Stories


          Audiences across Europe and Asia can now access Agoda’s extensive travel services in their own languages.


          Reaching out to music lovers in Thailand, Spotify translated its user interface into Thai, expanding into a new market.


          Preparing to launch in a new region, Airbnb wanted to adapt its marketing content and localize its app and videos.

          Andovar reviews sourced by G2