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Banking & Finance Translation Services
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What We Translate

We work with over 10,000 highly trained linguists who have the knowledge and expertise to deliver high quality financial translations no matter the topic or size. Additionally, we provide personalized support around the clock to address your needs as the project progresses while keeping your information secure at all times.

Our financial specialists uphold regulation compliance and linguistic accuracy while promoting your brand when localizing the following.


Advantages for Your Financial Services Company

You benefit from over 15 years of localization experience that involves more than a billion words for over 2,000 satisfied clients. We provide technically accurate and regulation-compliant enterprise translation that is compelling to your audience by offering your financial organization the following.

Financial Services Company

It doesn’t matter where you or your target market is located. You can access our services at any time from anywhere. We achieve this level of convenience by putting our headquarters in Singapore and spreading our offices to the United States, India, Hungary, Colombia, and Thailand. We can also call on over 10,000 professional translators around the world to offer the precise localization that you require.

    If you’ve looked at the list under What We Translate, you already know that we can handle physical documents, such as annual reports and investor newsletters. But our services also extend to digital content that includes websites and social media posts. You can count on us to take care of software and mobile applications, such as currency converters or financial spreadsheets. And we can make multimedia, such as eLearning modules and company videos, compelling to your international customers.

      We only assign translators to your project who meet two important criteria.

      - They must be native speakers of your target language to ensure that any translated terms are meaningful and culturally appropriate to your audience.

      - They must be specialists in your financial niche so they can comprehend and explain the technical details of your products and services.

      If you’re expanding your bank to Paris, your project team will consist of French speakers who are familiar with Electronic Funds Transfers, Certificates of Deposit, and compound interest. If you’re a stock investment company who is looking to Tokyo for customers, your Japanese-speaking translators will know all about bids and asks, moving averages, and options.

        There’s no question that only human linguists can translate financial content accurately with all its complexity and nuance. But Andovar assists our professionals with the latest translation technology. This includes termbases, which are glossaries of financial terms specific to your organization, artificial intelligence translation engines that can perform the preliminary conversion of one language to another in bulk, and translation memory to store previously translated segments of text that are reused to save time.

        We oversee the entire process using a Translation Management System that puts everything in the cloud for easier access.

          Before we release the project for your approval, we verify the results using Multidimensional Quality Metrics. This Quality Assurance framework evaluates the translation with eight factors: accuracy, terminology, fluency, verity, locale convention, internationalization, and style.

          However, even before this final verification, we promote quality from the beginning by engaging the right professionals. Less than 5 percent of the translators who apply to us are accepted because of our strict requirements for linguistic fluency and a business specialty. They then go through a rigorous onboarding process to ensure that they absorb the standards of service that exceed customer expectations.


            Some of the Sectors We Support

            While some of the content for retail banking targets savvy money experts, such as government regulators and branch managers, much of it is directed toward consumers with scant knowledge of the industry. Translating for this sector must meet the myriad of regulations imposed on this industry while instilling confidence, maintaining convenience, and personalizing information for the audience. Content includes websites, marketing brochures, TV commercials, loan applications, and checking account disclosures.

            Localization becomes more important than the conversion of text from one language to the other. This process changes graphics, examples, money systems, and other information to meet the cultural norms and expectations of the target audience. For example, a US marketing campaign based on saving dollars for a Halloween party can be localized to Mexico as saving pesos for a Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration.

              At the opposite end of the technical spectrum for translators are investment banking and asset management. This sector requires a solid technical background because the audience consists of sophisticated and experienced institutional investors, asset managers, and securities brokers. Typical content includes equity research reports, pitch books, financial models, balance sheets, and regulatory documents.

              Accuracy, detailed information, and confidentiality are the keys to serving this sector. For example, something as simple as misplaced punctuation can produce confusion in values.

              - In the US, the decimal point in 2.500 indicates two and a half, while the comma in 2,500 shows two thousand and five hundred.

              - In Germany, the decimal point in 2.500 means two thousand and five hundred and the comma in 2,500 is two and a half.

              Bringing Andovar in during the planning process enables us to set up a mutually beneficial working environment before you write the first line of code.

              - Translators become part of your process instead of being an annoying distraction. They then gain knowledge about your product as work proceeds. They can, for example, learn what words need to remain untranslated because the source language becomes more meaningful.

              - Developers become part of the localization team. As they gain insight into the translation process, they can offer important feedback. For example, they can discover inconsistencies in the translated content.

                Insurance translation covers a wide range of industries and audiences from manufacturers wanting to protect the products being shipped across the sea to families looking for enough health coverage for all their members. This industry uses many complex and extensive terms that, if not translated correctly, can produce liability issues. Content includes insurance policies, quote sheets, risk assessments, proposal forms, accident reports, and certificates of insurance.

                Translation teams must not only understand the communication needs of a specific audience, such as consumers or company owners, but the sectors they are involved in, such as manufacturing or health. Such expertise, along with translation experience, is hard to come by in one individual. Andovar approaches the challenge by assigning two or more professionals, each with the required background.

                  Financial technology, more commonly known as Fintech, describes technology that automates and improves financial services and any businesses involved in that technology. The term can cover financial spreadsheets created on websites, check deposits on smartphones, money transfers between financial institutions, and accounting databases that track the income and expenditures of a multi-national company.

                  Translations for this sector must be precise, consistent, and scalable: an app meant for use by one person on a smartphone often expands to include multiple individuals or large companies. Security is also critical because money is at stake. Financial technology is also heavily regulated, which makes compliance a necessary part of any translation.

                    The stakes for mergers and acquisitions are high and can involve hundreds of millions of dollars in value and thousands of stakeholders that include employees and investors. Offices and operations across many borders may be consolidated. All parties need constant communication in their native languages to ensure that the process completes successfully. Required documents include letters of intent, legal proceedings, accounting treatments, asset purchase agreements, disclosure schedules, bills of sale, and HSR filings for antitrust disclosures

                    Andovar’s team of legal, financial, and government specialists can ensure that all the parties involved receive the appropriate documents and disclosures in their native languages. They will also verify that the translations meet the standards and laws of any governing bodies with jurisdiction over the merger.


                      Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Defi, & more

                      Financial services are undergoing a major transformation as cryptocurrency continues to grow in popularity. Fintech solutions redefine many aspects of traditional banking. The rise digital economy has fundamental changes consumer expectations with regards to the speed and cost for various financial service, from payment transfer or borrowing money online all way up until investing in an investment vehicle like stocks- these new developments will shape tomorrow's industry worldwide which is why Andovar offers next generation fast agile , and on demand translation solution today!

                      Case Studies

                      Success Stories


                      Audiences across Europe and Asia can now access Agoda’s extensive travel services in their own languages.


                      Reaching out to music lovers in Thailand, Spotify translated its user interface into Thai, expanding into a new market.


                      Preparing to launch in a new region, Airbnb wanted to adapt its marketing content and localize its app and videos.

                      Andovar reviews sourced by G2
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