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Energy Sector Translation Services
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Industry-Specialized Energy Sector Translations

Businesses that deal with oil and gas, solar power, nuclear energy, and electricity can easily affect the global economy. Even a small oil well in Texas can affect manufacturing in China if it disrupts the flow of fuel to shipping companies. For almost 20 years, Andovar has been helping energy companies face international challenges with industry-specialized translations.

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Abundant and clean, solar energy comes from the conversion of the sun’s radiation into electricity through the use of photovoltaic cells. The energy can then be stored thermally or in batteries for use on a small scale in a home or in larger enterprises, such as a factory. Our specialist linguists can translate information related to all kinds of solar technologies, such as solar panels, inverters, battery packs, power meters, backup generators, and installation equipment. Your business can be involved in the manufacturing, sales, or installation of any of these components, or the management and distribution of energy. To ensure accuracy and speed while staying within your project budget, we rely on the latest translation technologies to store and reuse previously translated text while handling information exchange through the cloud.

    Wherever the wind blows, such us offshore or on top of hills, the potential for generating reusable energy exists through windmills and turbines. A single installation can power one house, while a wind farm can handle the needs of entire cities. In either case, energy independence, as well as environmental sustainability, are common goals. Technologies that we cover for this industry include towers, blades, hubs, rotors, nacelles, generators, drive trains, brake assemblies, and platforms. Whether your enterprise engineers and manufactures these components, installs and services them, or dispatches the power to end-users, our translators know what your target audience needs because they are industry specialists. They efficiently convert your documents and media from your source language to that of the target audience while maintaining technical accuracy.

      Hydropower, also known as hydroelectric power, harnesses moving water sources, such as rivers, streams, or waterfalls, to propel turbines that create electricity through generators. The process brings mechanical principles that have been used for at least two thousand years into the modern age. Not surprisingly, hydropower is popular in areas with heavy rainfall and plenty of water resources. This large-scale technology frequently involves dams, diversion facilities, or pumped storage. Components include turbines, blades, generators, pipelines, tanks, intake structures, powerhouses, transmission wires, and water pumps. Because hydropower often involves large-scale structures, such as reservoirs and dams, our specialist translators are not only technically savvy but aware of the environmental and political impact of this technology. We take these factors into account when delivering our localization solutions, particularly when government regulations are involved.

        Nuclear power uses the energy that comes from splitting atoms to heat water so it becomes steam that turns turbines to create electricity. Unlike other alternative-energy sources, nuclear energy remains unaffected by environmental factors. Reactors continue to generate electricity at any time of day or night under any weather conditions. Only large-scale facilities can handle the demands of commercial nuclear energy, which powers cities, although smaller installations provide the motive for military vessels, such as aircraft carriers and submarines. Components for commercial reactors include steam turbines, generators, control rods, coolants, fuels, and rad water systems, and emergency core cooling systems. The complexities of this alternative-energy source demand specific advanced knowledge, which our specialist translators have because of their backgrounds in nuclear engineering. They are also sensitive to the controversies that this technology brings, especially when localizing materials, such as marketing brochures, for consumers.

          Natural gas has been used for street lights since 1785, while oil, in the form of kerosene, burned lamps in 1854. These early uses lay the foundation for the current oil and gas industry that powers vehicles, heats homes, creates plastics for businesses, and produces electric power for factories. The globalization of this energy form puts most of its producers in the US, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Canada, and China, and consumers in every country. The concerns of this mature industry stretch across power generation, utilities, construction, equipment, distribution, services, and the environment. Components include drilling rigs, oil wells, wireline logging tools, storage tanks, and fuel pumps. Andovar easily handles multi-lingual conversions of this industry’s content by relying on native speakers of the target language who are also specialists in oil and gas. Our translation expertise ranges from highly technical reports for petroleum engineers to gasoline advertising for suburban car drivers.

            WHAT WE LOCALIZE

            Turnkey Translation Solutions For Energy

            OUR EXPERTISE

            Excel Across All of Your Content

            Andovar offers a wide range of multilingual solutions to support the oil and gas, mining and renewable energy sectors. From software solutions, to eLearning localization that enhance worker safety to technical translations for product and process documentation, Andovar’s comprehensive solutions include the ability to handle the full spectrum of content types.

            Our professional translators stand out also as energy specialists that can rely on their personal knowledge to accurately localize documents ranging from part lists to operations manuals.

              We not only localize any text that appears in the software but also help design a user interface that works best with the language of your target audience.

                To ensure that your website feels culturally appropriate to your target market, we use professionals who are native speakers of the language.

                  Your customers, suppliers, and employees gain inside knowledge of your products and services through training modules, interactive software, and compelling videos.

                    Our transcreation services use your marketing materials as a basis for creating culturally focused content that engages your audience whether they’re electricity consumers or hydropower engineers.

                      When localizing graphics and multimedia, we adjust such facets as colors, typography, symbols, slang, dialect, and picture topics so that they’re meaningful and appealing to your audience.

                        About us
                        Case Studies

                        Success Stories


                        Audiences across Europe and Asia can now access Agoda’s extensive travel services in their own languages.


                        Reaching out to music lovers in Thailand, Spotify translated its user interface into Thai, expanding into a new market.


                        Preparing to launch in a new region, Airbnb wanted to adapt its marketing content and localize its app and videos.

                        Andovar reviews sourced by G2

                        Frequently asked Questions

                        Andovar is headquartered in Singapore with offices in Thailand, Colombia, India, the United States, and Hungary. We can also tap the services of over 10,000 qualified translators around the world working with over 265 language pairs. Our premium language solutions come to you at any time zone.
                        For your added convenience, we can handle many localization processes online. We avoid the delays and costs associated with having to physically receive, deliver, and transcribe content between your business and our company.

                          Under 5 percent of the translators who apply with us pass our rigorous screening process. They must undergo a thorough onboarding process to absorb the standards of service that we demand from our professionals. Once we have verified that they can exceed the expectations of our customers, we assign them to your project.

                            We only assign professionals to your project who have the background and expertise of your industry. For example, only translators with a wind power specialty will translate your operations guide for wind turbines.

                              To ensure consistency and accuracy, and to make our localization more efficient, we rely on several smart solutions.
                              We handle the entire process using a Translation Management System.
                              Artificial-intelligence translation engines speed the process by providing a foundation on which human translators can build high-quality localization.
                              Translation memory stores segments of previously translated text that we can then reuse to save you time and money.
                              A termbase is a glossary of terms in one or more languages that relate to your energy project.
                              Before the project returns to you, it undergoes Quality Assurance through Multidimensional Quality Metrics.
                              The final step consists of a review by human editors and the project manager to ensure that the results meet your localization goals.

                                Translation projects are usually charged by the word, which could easily see the costs of a typical energy project spiraling out of control given its complexity and depth of materials. We prefer an integrated service agreement that offers you more competitive rates than our counterparts while maintaining high translation quality.
                                Our global structure enables us to offer around-the-clock service supported by experienced team veterans. We also save you money and time by using our state-of-the-art studios for multimedia, moving the entire process to the cloud for convenient accessibility, and customizing processes to the way you prefer to work.

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                                  Please provide a little bit of information in the form below and we will be in touch soon. If you are interested in working for Andovar (as translator/ SLV or full-time employee), please visit our careers site.