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French Canadian Translation

Connect with customers in their native Canadian French language. Andovar Canadian French localization services address all major content types, enabling brands to resonate across all channels.

Multiple companies, both large and small, turn to our Canadian French translation services to increase their customer base and ignite their growth. Among our services:
  • Printed documents such as annual reports, technical manuals, journals, reports, contracts, marketing materials, travel brochures, and business documents.
  • Multimedia, such as movies, TV programs, news, games, audiobooks, radio programs, and online videos.
  • Digital communications for websites, social media, and blogs.
  • Apps and software and their user interfaces, help text, instructions, and documentation.
  • All types of learning materials, such as textbooks, slides, and eLearning.

Among the services we offer are text translation, voice-overs, subtitles, and localization. We guarantee high quality by relying only on qualified native Canadian French speakers who are also specialists in your industry. Whether you want to translate a short note or a major software project, we will get the job done on time and within budget.

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English to Canadian French Translation Company

When you’re looking for an English to Canadian French translation company to take care of your localization, you want one with a global outlook, plenty of experience, and access to an extensive professional base. Headquartered in Singapore, Andovar has offices in the US, China, India, Hungary, Thailand, and Colombia. Our 100 full-time and over 3,000 contract translation professionals have translated over a billion words.

We only work with skilled Canadian French translators who are native speakers of the area you want to target and are specialists in your industry. They are trusted to work on your projects only after they’ve undergone extensive testing and rigorous onboarding. They uphold our high standards of quality, technical accuracy, and cultural sensitivity.

Our professionals can count on the support of premium tools and technology, such as a state-of-the-art Translation Management System (TMS), Computer Assisted Translation Tools (CATs), and Terminology Translation Management (TTM). When you trust us to become your English to Canadian French translation company, we verify our efforts through advanced Quality Assurance technology.

Discover for yourself why many global brands turn to us for their localization. Contact us to get a quote for our Canadian French translation services. We want to become your English to Canadian French translation agency.

French Canadian Translation Services

The Canadian French translation services of Andovar reward you with the following benefits.
  • Affordable cost that keeps our efforts within your project budget.
  • Speed for delivering the final results by the promised deadline.
  • High-quality translations that can only come from professional Canadian French translators who are native speakers.

Canadian French Varieties and Dialects

Although Canadian French is considered a dialect of French, that dialect also has several varieties, which differ by location:

  • Quebec French prevails in Quebec and is the primary dialect of Canadian French. There are variations in Ontario, Western Canada, and the New England area of the USA. This variety of French Canadian contains multiple dialects such as Central, Western, Eastern, Northern, Maritime, and Quebec City, which is considered standard Quebec French.

  • Acadian French is used by over 350,000 Acadians in Newfoundland, the Maritime Provinces, the Magdalen Islands, and the Lower North Shore.

  • Brayon French is spoken near Edmundston, New Brunswick, and parts of Madawaska Maine, and Beauce Quebec.

  • Spoken in Western Canada and Manitoba, Métis French came from the Métis, the descendants of First Nations mothers and voyageur fathers during the fur trade. A unique mix called Michif combines Métis words with Cree verbs and grammatical elements. Michif and Metis are considered severely endangered.

  • New England French is found in the New England area of the USA.

  • Joual is a working-class informal variant of Quebed French.

  • Chiac combines Acadian French vocabulary and syntax with loan words from English. The French Canadian expression J’ai la langue à terre (my tongue is on the floor), which means “I’m very hungry or tired,” is incomprehensible to Europeans.


Professional Canadian French Translators

Did you know that “to watch” is ouatcher in Canadian French and garder à l'oeil in European French? Or that a cranberry is atoca in Quebec City but canneberge in Paris? Or Lâche pas la patate! encourages people in Canada or warns them against breaking a promise?


The professional Canadian French translators at Andovar do. Because we only employ native speakers who are passionate about English and French and stand out as experts in your industry. We verify the quality of their talent by testing their linguistic fluency and ability to communicate effectively. Then they must go through a stringent onboarding process so that they know how to meet Andovar’s high standards of customer service that emphasizes timeliness, accuracy and quality.

Only then do we let them take charge of internationalizing your websites, documents, software & apps, ecommerce, eLearning, and turnkey multimedia. To accomplish localization tasks, we support the latest CATs, word processors containing built-in CATs, and termbases, or electronic glossaries related to your specific translation needs.

Our careful efforts in employing the best translation professionals have attracted some of the biggest names in international business and technology. Our satisfied clients include Nestle, Oracle, Uber, Spotify, Symantec, Netsuite, and Chevron.


Canadian French Software Translation Services


How does Andovar deliver premium Canadian French software translation services?

  • We rely on native speakers of Canadian French who are also software experts. They are as skilled in managing User Interface (UI), help, resource, and other files as they are in deciding on the Central, Western, Eastern, or Northern variations of Quebec French. Because they are part of the audience of your target market, they are familiar with the needs, work styles, and cultural nuances of the area.

  • Our human localization is supported by cutting-edge translation strategies and technology. We then verify the accuracy and functionality of the results through Multidimensional Quality Metric (MQM) Quality Assurance.

The quality of our localization for server-based, cloud-based, or mobile applications has satisfied such corporate clients as Symantec, Netsuite, and Microsoft. More than just translating your product, we also offer expertise so that your team can develop software that is more efficient to translate.

One of the easiest-to-implement recommendations: separate the text from the code, preferably in their own resource files. We can then translate what the user sees without waiting for the code to be finished and vice versa.


Canadian French Game Translation Services

Andovar’s Canadian French game translation services put your Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs), virtual reality (VR), first-person shooters, simulations, and sandboxes in front of players in Quebec. We support productions designed for consoles, mobile or handheld devices, or consoles.

To ensure that your Canadian French gamers receive the same thrills enjoyed by English speakers, we rely on professional translators who are also players and native speakers. They are intimately familiar with the linguistic, cultural, and entertainment needs of your target base. This inside knowledge brings us major customers like Gameloft, Electronic Arts, Square Enix, Line PUBG, and Netease.

Our Canadian French game translation services support the following:



Our subtitles, dubbing, and recordings capture the intent of the original with accuracy, compelling emotion, and literary creativity.


User interfaces

Any button, menu, popup, window, tutorial, or other control elements that the gamer sees can be localized at either the source or text level.


Mobile app descriptions

We craft the definitions of your apps to increase downloads from organic traffic.


Marketing and advertising

Our focus on cultural sensitivity and language fidelity attracts the attention of your gaming audience while avoiding embarrassing, offensive, and potentially illegal faux pas.


User reviews

When deciding whether to spend money on your product, gamers look to the reviews of other players as more authentic than those of professional critics. We localize these personal opinions so they maintain the intent and spirit of the original.

Into English

Canadian French to English Translation Services

Communicating with your target audience in Canadian French ensures that they receive your consistent brand message exactly as you want to convey it. But your customers, suppliers, and co-workers in Quebec may also assume that you are a Canadian French company that speaks the language fluently. They may then communicate with you only in their language.

You could use Google Translate or some other online system to translate their messages. But you’ll only get the gist of what they are saying and miss critical information, especially if they’re using colloquialisms, slang, or local dialects. Andovar’s Canadian French to English translation services exchange the cultural nuances of any foreign exchange.

Our professional translators are native English speakers who are fluent in Canadian French. They specialize in your industry, which enables them to understand the technical details of your missives. We prefer online files for translating efficiency. But we can also convert printed documents to digital form through Optical Character Recognition (OCR). We can then return the translated document to a PDF or its source hard-copy to come as close to the original form as possible.

If you’re dealing with Over-The-Top (OTT) subtitles, we can localize those to English. We can also manage back translation of legal/litigation, medical, or other corporate communications so you can verify the linguistic accuracy of our efforts.


Canadian French Subtitle Translation Services

One of the challenges of localizing subtitles from English to Canadian French is that the latter takes up to 20 percent more screen space than the latter. Despite that, the text display must keep pace with the speaker, so that the Quebec audience experiences the media in the same way as English speakers would.

Then there’s knowing what dialect, slang, level of formality, and humor to use, and how word choices differ between European and Canadian French. While the saying “That makes sense” could be subtitled c’est logique in European French, it must become ça fait du sens in Canadian French.

At Andovar, our Canadian French subtitle translation services consider all these factors because we rely on native speakers of the language. Our translators form part of your target market, so they instinctively apply accurate and culturally nuanced translations to the source subtitles. We support all subtitle formats, such as SRT, TTML, VTT, SCC, and more.

The success of our internationalization process has attracted companies like Disney, Netflix, iflix, and Netease. They look to us to take care of their corporate videos, OTT content, streaming services, and YouTube media. We support state-of-the-art tools and platforms when creating Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SDHs), closed captions, and templates.


Canadian French Document Translation Services

Despite the desired transition to a paperless environment, business and industry still produce a lot of documents. Marketing flyers, Standard Operating Procedures, operator guides, service manuals, and technical instructions may come out of your enterprise in printed and online form. Andovar’s Canadian French document translation services can localize these materials for your customers, vendors, and branches in Quebec and the rest of French-speaking Canada.

Companies like Chevron, Siemens, Minor Group, and Transocean trust us to localize their documents. Our professional translators are not only native speakers of Canadian French but also experts in your specific industry. This ensures that your brand is accurately localized.

We support such document applications as Word, Powerpoint, and other Microsoft Office products, Illustrator, and InDesign. If your documents are only available in hand-written or printed form, we convert them to digital versions through OCR. We not only handle translation and editing but can also take care of layout and digital publishing. If you have graphics, we localize them to become more culturally meaningful to your target audience.


Canadian French E-learning Translation Services

A cost-effective and efficient way of teaching your employees, clients, and vendors about your products and services is through e-learning. This method avoids the expense, scheduling, and space resources that a live instructor requires while allowing students in different locations to learn at their own pace. Andovar’s Canadian French e-learning translation services localize your training to learners in Quebec and the other provinces of Canada.

Not only are our professional Canadian French translators native speakers, they are also fluent in English and specialists in training and education. This combination ensures that your brand message effectively reaches your international audience while remaining culturally relevant. Whether converting text, video, voiceovers, digital publications, or tests, we rely on a multi-step process that verifies accuracy and clarity at each step for your projects.

Tools like Articulate 360, Articulate 360, Captivate, and Lectora enable us to efficiently localize Learning Management Systems (LMSs), mobile apps, software, games, and courseware. Our turnkey solutions ensure that our presentations and quizzes are SCORM-compliant. Integration testing then checks that the results in Canadian French are the same as those for English speakers. The effectiveness of our methods has garnered the attention of multinational companies like Cegos, Docebo, Learnship, and

Case Studies

Success Stories


Audiences across Europe and Asia can now access Agoda’s extensive travel services in their own languages.


Reaching out to music lovers in Thailand, Spotify translated its user interface into Thai, expanding into a new market.


Preparing to launch in a new region, Airbnb wanted to adapt its marketing content and localize its app and videos.

Andovar reviews sourced by G2