Translation Quality Management
Go to market with consistent quality and tone of voice following the MQM Dynamic Quality Framework - the most complete and standardized translation quality catalog in existence.
Control Quality Across all Content Types and Formats
Translations should not only be technically correct, but they should also be correct in the tone and dialect that is most relevant to your target audience. At Andovar, we control translation quality regardless of whether you are translating printed materials or expanding your brand's online presence.
Andovar's QA system adopts the Multi-dimensional Quality Metrics -- Dynamic Quality Framework, or MQM-DQF. Our QA system is the most complete, standardized translation quality issue type catalog that is currently in existence.
Andovar's Quality Assurance system is seamlessly integrated with our TMS, or Translation Management System, to ensure absolute accuracy and quality with each translation we complete.
When translating materials manually, you will quickly discover that some text and materials are more important than others. Because not all quality and content standards are universal and set the same across the board, it is important to know how to distinguish which texts have specific requirements and/or genre-specific requirements. At Andovar, MQM-DQF translation tools help us to tailor translations based on the translation's purposes and quality as well as any client style guidelines we receive. It is also possible to set translation guidelines for specific types of texts and genres, simplifying the translation process whenever you work together with the translators at Andovar.
When translating marketing text, the text itself does not require a literal translation. In fact, a client may prefer a more casual and conversational tone or direction for the translation. However, when translating a contract or another legal document, an accurate translation is imperative. Using our weighted system for translations, it is possible to assign specific importance and weight to various types of translations you require, based on your business model and the type of content you intend to translate. While you might set your severity weighting for traditional marketing text to a 0.5, you may increase the severity weighting to 2.0 or higher when working with legal texts or other materials that require literal translations and increased accuracy.

Quality Assessment Criteria
Measuring the quality of the translations varies based on client needs as well as the type of content. Whether you are seeking literal/ accurate translation services for legal documentation or marketing copy that takes variety, dialect, and tone into account, Andovar customizes content quality assessments to ensure all of your translations meet your standards.

- additions
- omissions
- mistranslations
- incorrect TM match

- grammar
- inconsistency
- character encoding

- address format
- currency format
- measurements

- culture-specific reference

- length
- local formatting
- missing text
- truncation/expansion